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Linq | Iterative Groupby on a List<>

I have an object

public class MasterData
    public string loanId { get; set; }
    public string docId { get; set; }
    public string fileName { get; set; }
    public string doctype { get; set; }

I have a List<MasterData> lstMstrDatawhich may look like this


I want to fetch the list from this using GroupBy . I want to get a List of doctype's with the count of unique DocId's associated with it.

So the above List would basically results in :

|Doctype         |UniqueDocIdCount
|BankStatement   |1
|CreditReport    |2
|PaySlip         |1
|Mortgage        |2

I tried doing it like this but doesn't yield correct result

var groupDoctype = lsMstrData
                    .GroupBy(g => new {g.doctype, g.docId})                    
                    .Select(s => s.ToList())
var groupDoctype = lsMstrData
                .GroupBy(g => g.doctype)
                .Select(g => new { Doctype = g.Key, UniqueDocIdCount = g.Select(k => k.docId).Distinct().Count() })

If the docID is guaranteed to be unique then you can remove the "Distinct" and just leave g.Count().

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