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Spring boot include transitive dependencies

Here is the relations between my projects:
Spring boot project A -> Project B -> Project C
When I run a Maven:install I want to have all the dependencies from Project B AND Project C in my lib folder.
The problem is that for now I just Have the dependencies from Project A...

I just have the spring-boot-maven-plugin as build configuration without any argument...

you should use maven 2.0 or later to have your transitive dependencies imported . The dependencies in B and C should not have scope "provided" otherwise maven will not import them thinking that the server will provide them

I finally find my mistake... In the pom of the Project C, I had a dependency in scope system and the system path was like ${basedir}/my/path/librairy.jar . The problem is that Maven wants an absolute path for this librairy when I package Project B. I saw a warning in maven's logs that was saying that.

The solution was easy, I change the path for an absolute path and everything went fine! Except for the system librairy that is not packaged. I will put it on our Nexus and it will be fine.

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