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NEST 2.0 and ElasticSearch 2.0 unable to mock a “return all” query

This is the query I want to mock:

  var readRecords = elastic.Search<GroupRecord>(s => s
        .Query(q => q.
            QueryString(qs => qs.Query("*"))));

and this is the actual Moq

var groupResp = new Mock<ISearchResponse<GroupRecord>>();
var groupRecords = new[]
     new GroupRecord
          GroupName = "blablabla"

groupResp.SetupGet(x => x.Documents).Returns(groupRecords);
ElasticClientMock.Setup(ec => ec.Search(It.IsAny<Func<SearchDescriptor<GroupRecord>, SearchDescriptor<GroupRecord>>>())).Returns(groupResp.Object);

On NEST1.0 and ElasticSearch1.0 the query was returning all (1) documents. On the new NEST2.0 and ElasticSearch2.0 my readRecords is null .

Do you know why?


On a real environment (no mocking) the query returns all the documents as expected

I think the problem is in the Setup. The following line:

ElasticClientMock.Setup(ec => ec.Search(It.IsAny<Func<SearchDescriptor<GroupRecord>, SearchDescriptor<GroupRecord>>>())).Returns(groupResp.Object);

Mock is looking for a Func<> with two SearchDescriptor objects, which it was in NEST1. Now, I think the signature for Search is a Func<> with one SearchDescriptor and one ISearchRequest .

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