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Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name available as request attribute, and I don't know why

I'm getting an error: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'foo' available as request attribute and I can't figure out why. I know there are some questions regarding this already, and I have tried their solutions to no avail.

As far as the headers for the code I have (all actual variables have been replaced with metasyntactic variables):

In the JSP that doesn't work:

<form:form name="myForm"
class="form-horizontal form-row-seperated" action="#"
onsubmit="return isformSubmit();" method="post" 

In the Java controller for said JSP:

@RequestMapping(value="bar", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody Boolean baz(
    @ModelAttribute("foo") FOOBEAN fooBean,
// Ten @RequestParam strings have been omitted for brevity
 , HttpServletRequest qux) throws QUUXEXCEPTION {

foo does not show up anywhere else in the configurator page.

I know I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what exactly. If I'm not giving enough context, please let me know.

UPDATE: Here's the FOOBEAN class. I'm reusing metasyntactic variables here; they are not the same variables that were in the controller class. Also, FOOBEAN and Foo are not related other than that Foo is a variable within FOOBEAN .

public class FOOBEAN {

     private String Foo;

     private String Bar;

     private String Baz;

     private String Qux;

     private String Quux;

     private String Corge;

     private String Grault;

     private String Garply;

     public String getFoo() {
        return Foo;

    public void setFoo(String foo) {
        Foo = foo;

    public String getBar() {
        return Bar;

    public void setBar(String bar) {
        Bar = bar;

    public String getBaz() {
        return Baz;

    public void setBaz(String baz) {
        Baz = baz;

    public String getQux() {
        return Qux;

    public void setQux(String qux) {
        Qux = qux;

    public String getQuux() {
        return Quux;

    public void setQuux(String quux) {
        Quux = quux;

    public String getCorge() {
        return Corge;

    public void setCorge(String corge) {
        Corge = corge;

    public String getGrault() {
        return Grault;

    public void setGrault(String grault) {
        Grault = grault;

    public String getGarply() {
        return Garply;

    public void setGarply(String garply) {
        Garply = garply;


You need to add the BindingResult object as a parameter and initialise the model as follows:

public FOOBEAN getFoo(){ 
    return new FOOBEAN();

public @ResponseBody Boolean baz(@ModelAttribute("foo") FOOBEAN fooBean, BindingResult result, HttpServletRequest qui) {
    // method body does here 

Note that the getFoo method must be called in the GET handler, ie the method you use to return the view name.

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