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Passing array to SOAP function in PHP


I can't seem to find a way to create a function request with array as an argument. For example, how do I make this kind of request using PHP SoapClient:


Is this possible to call this function without creating any extra classes (using arrays only)? If no, what is the most compact way of calling it?

You can use this -v function to convert a array to a object tree:

function array_to_objecttree($array) {
  if (is_numeric(key($array))) { // Because Filters->Filter should be an array
    foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
      $array[$key] = array_to_objecttree($value);
    return $array;
  $Object = new stdClass;
  foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
    if (is_array($value)) {
      $Object->$key = array_to_objecttree($value);
    }  else {
      $Object->$key = $value;
  return $Object;

Like so:

$data = array(
  'GetResultListRequest' => array(
    'Filters' => array(
      'Filter' => array(
        array('Name' => 'string', 'Value' => 'string'), // Has a numeric key
        array('Name' => 'string', 'Value' => 'string'),
$Request = array_to_objecttree($data);

I had similar problem and I had to post data in this structure. Accepted answer didn't work for me

$data = array(
  'GetResultListRequest' => array(
    'Filters' => array(
        array('Name' => 'string', 'Value' => 'string'),
        array('Name' => 'string', 'Value' => 'string'),

maybe it might help somebody if accepted answear doesn't work for you

For example, you can try this:

$data1 = new SampleStruct();  
$data1->title="Hello world";  
$data1->description="This is a sample description.";

$data2 = new SampleStruct();
$data2->title="Hello world 2";
$data2->description="This is a sample description 2.";

$client->__soapCall("sampleFunction", array(
   new SoapParam(new SoapVar(array($data1, $data2) , SOAP_ENC_ARRAY, 
       "SampleStruct_Array", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"), 

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