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False returned for File exists(); when it does Android internal storage

Inside a Fragment

    SQLiteDatabase savedDutiesDB = null;

    public void createDatabase() {


          savedDutiesDB = getActivity().openOrCreateDatabase("savedDuties",Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null);

          savedDutiesDB.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS storedDuties " +
                                "(dutyBookName VARCHAR, dayOfTheWeek Int, pageNumber Int);");

          File databaseFile = getActivity().getApplicationContext().getDatabasePath("SavedDuties.db");
          Log.d("TCB","path:" + databaseFile);

   // Check if the database exists
       if (databaseFile.exists()) {
                            Log.d("TCB","database Created");

                        } else {
                            Log.d("TCB","Missing:" + databaseFile);    


                    catch(Exception e){

                        Log.e("TCB", "Error: "+e);



Logs out

D/TCB: path:/data/data/com.domain.appName/databases/SavedDuties.db
D/TCB: Missing:/data/data/com.domain.appName/databases/SavedDuties.db

However the file does exist as I can see it in Android device monitor and I can write to it.

Why could this be returning false?

You are creating a database named "savedDuties" . You are trying to access the file for a database named "SavedDuties.db" . Those are not the same.

This might be due to Permissions.

This might also be an issue of a misconstructed file path, try using : databaseFile.getAbsoluteFile().exists() instead.

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