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How to use Spring ResourceUrlEncodingFilter with velocity template

Spring boot docs suggest that velocity templates have support for ResourceUrlEncodingFilter for rewriting static assets url with versioning. Quote from the docs:

Links to resources are rewritten at runtime in template, thanks to a ResourceUrlEncodingFilter, auto-configured for Thymeleaf, Velocity and FreeMarker.

I found out from this blog the syntax for thymeleaf for url rewriting. But after spending a couple of hours of google searching I wasn't able to find the syntax or macros for Velocity templating language. Can anyone point me to a resource which explains this.

This is a bug, see SPR-14027 . In the meantime, you can define your own macro like this:

#macro( springResourceUrl $relativeUrl )$springMacroRequestContext.getContextUrl(${relativeUrl})#end

And call it like this:

<script src="#springResourceUrl("/script.js")"></script>

Note that Velocity support is deprecated as of Spring 4.3 (see SPR-13235 ) and should be removed in Spring 5.0 (see SPR-13795 ).

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