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How to delete record from MySQL database using PHP and AngularJS?

I am working on a blog project and I am using PHP to grab data from a MySQL database and saving it into a JSON file and then outputting the data with AngularJS. I know this might not be the most efficient thing to do but angular has some advantages. In my admin dashboard I have the posts displayed in a table along with a delete button for each post record. The problem I am having is trying to grab the id of a post and deleting the record from the database. If someone could please help? I would be very thankful!

This is some of my code:


<tbody ng-repeat="post in posts">
        <td><img src="../{{post.image}}" width="100px" height="70px"></td>
        <td>{{post.description | limitTo:250}} .....</td>
        <td><a ng-click="display()" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i></a></td>
        <td><a ng-click="delete(post.id, $index)" class="btn btn-danger"><i class="fa fa-close"></i></a></td>


.controller('PostsCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http, $timeout) {
    $http.get('../data/posts.json').success(function(data) {
        $scope.posts = data;

    $scope.delete = function(deletingId, index) {
        $http.get("functions/deletePost.php?id=" + deletingId)
            .success(function(data) {
                $scope.data.splice(index, 1);



    $connect = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'cms1');

   if (isset($_GET ['id'])){

        $id = $_GET ['id'];
        $data = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"));
        $index = $data['id'];
        $delete = "DELETE FROM posts WHERE id='$index'";

        $result = mysql_query($connect,$delete);

I don't think that the GET gets what it should. Try sending request with following code.


$scope.delete = function(deletingId, index) {
  var params = $.param({"id":deletingId});
    headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
    url: 'functions/deletePost.php',
    method: "GET",
    data: params
    $scope.data.splice(index, 1);


  $connect = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'cms1');

    $id = $_GET['id'];
    $del = "DELETE FROM posts WHERE id='".$id."'";
    mysql_query($connect, $del);

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