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Gradle Artifactory Plugin - looking for example of publishing artifacts from multiple modules in a project?

(I typed up a question here a couple of days ago but it's pretty involved so I can imagine it might not get an answer.)

Can anyone point me to an example of the Gradle Artifactory Plugin which publishes artifacts from multiple modules in a project? I've had a look online but could not find any examples. It surely must be possible! If someone can point me to an example of a project that contains an Android library module that would be a huge bonus!

Jfrog's github repository has some examples:

  1. Artifactory publishing in a java multi-project, using maven plugin

  2. Artifactory publishing in a java multi-project, using maven-publish plugin

  3. Artifactory publishing for an android (aar) project

There isn't an example for multi-project that includes android, but that should follow easily from the above examples.

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