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Check date and edit adjacent cell in Google Sheet with Google Script

I'm attempting to write a script that will change the status (Current vs Expired) in an adjacent cell when looping over the cell values of a column containing dates if the date is equal to or less than today's date. The script needs to work on column N (dates) and modify column O (statuses) across ALL sheets in the spreadsheet. That is why I have the Sheets loop in there FYI.

Here is what I have so far and I just keep hitting walls.

It's currently throwing an error at the currentValue variable for being out of range.


// Look at Dates and Change Status if expired (Automatically)
function checkDates() {
 //For each sheet in the Spreadsheet
 for(v in sheets){  
 //Find the last row that has content *-2 is because of a strange return I don't understand yet
 var lastRow = sheets[v].getLastRow()-2;
 //Get Dates Range (excluding empty cells)
 var dateRange = sheets[v].getRange("N2:N"+lastRow);
 //Get the number of Rows in the range
 var numRows = dateRange.getNumRows();

  //For loop for the number of rows with content
  for(x = 0; x <= numRows; ++x){
    // Value of cell in loop
    var currentValue = dateRange.getCell(x,2).getValue();
    // Row number in Range
    var currentRow = dateRange.getRow(x);
    // Get adjacent cell Range
    var adjacentCell = sheets[v].getRange(currentRow,15);
    // If the date is less than or equal to today
    if(new Date(currentValue) <= d){
    // Change adjancet cell to Expired
    // Else adjance cell is Current
    } else if(listofDates != ""){


The reason for currentValue to be out of range is that the getCell(x, 2) function first parameter is the row number. Your row number starts at 0, x = 0 . If you change x to start at 1 it should stop giving you the error that the currentValue variable is out of range.

for(x = 1; x <= numRows; ++x){ ... 

You are also selecting 2 columns across but you only selected out of row "N", change getCell(x, 2) to getCell(x, 1) .

var currentValue = dateRange.getCell(x,1).getValue();

As I mentioned before your data range is only over colmn "N", it can make it easier if you select both column "N" and "O", var dateRange = sheets[v].getRange("N2:O"); I modified the rest of your script a bit. It is not pretty but I do hope it helps you.

function checkDates() {
 //For each sheet in the Spreadsheet

  for(v in sheets){  
    var lastRow = sheets[v].getLastRow();
    //Get Dates Range (excluding empty cells)
    var dateRange = sheets[v].getRange(2, 14, (lastRow - 1), 2);
    //Get the number of Rows in the range
    var numRows = dateRange.getNumRows();

    //For loop for the number of rows with content
    for(x = 1; x <= numRows; ++x){
      // Value of cell in loop
      var currentValue = dateRange.getCell(x,1).getValue();
      var adjacentCell = dateRange.getCell(x,2);

      // If the date is less than or equal to today
      if(new Date(currentValue) <= new Date()){
        // Change adjancet cell to Expired
        // Else adjance cell is Current
      } else if(currentValue != ""){

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