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Creating a new collection in Solr using command line

I know that are a few ways to create Solr collections. One using Solr Admin UI webpage. Another using Collections API

But How do I create collection in Solr using COMMAND LINE ?

Navigate to the folder where you copied solr binary files. And type the following from terminal : bin/solr create_core -c name_of_core_or_collection

This command line utilizes the Collections API for you - to create a new core.

Let's suppose you have download and placed the Solr binaries at the location /opt/apps/solr , then you can create a collection in the following manner.

cd /opt/apps/solr/bin 
./solr create -c {collectionName} -n {configName} -p 8983


For creating a collection when you are running in cloud mode, use create_collection command.. ie

solr create_collection -c myCollection

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