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MySQL query sometimes run slow, sometimes fast

I am having problem with this simple MySQL query:

select sender as id from message where status=1 and recipient=1

where sender table has multi millions of rows.

When I run this on SequelPro, it runs really slow for the first time, ~4 seconds or more, and the next execution it run really fast, ~0.018 seconds. However, if I run again after couple of minutes, it will do the same thing again.

I tried to use SQL_NO_CACHE, and it still gives me the same result.

The DB engine is innoDB, and the DB is MySQL Percona XtraDB cluster. Here is the explain results:

|id|select_type|table  |type|possible_keys         |key |key_len|ref            |row   |Extra
| 1|SIMPLE     |message|ref |recipient,status, sent|sent|12     |const,const    |2989   |NULL

"sent" is an index of multi-column of (recipient, status). Does anyone has any idea to fix this problem?

Thank you.

Added (from comment)

CREATE TABLE 'message' (
    'id' int(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 
    'sender' bigint(20) NOT NULL, 
    'recipient' bigint(20) NOT NULL, 
    'status' int(5) NOT NULL, 
    PRIMARY KEY ('id'), 
    KEY 'id' ('id'), 
    KEY 'recipient' ('recipient'), 
    KEY 'sender' ('sender'), 
    KEY 'date' ('date'), 
    KEY 'status' ('status'), 
    KEY 'sent' ('status','recipient')

Those symptoms point to caching issues. I don't mean the "Query cache", but rather the Engine's cache.

How big is the table? How big are all the the active tables?

What is the value of innodb_buffer_pool_size ?

I suspect the buffer_pool is a lot smaller than the table(s), and a lot of stuff is going on. Hence, the query's blocks get bumped out of RAM, necessitating a few dozen reads to bring them back in.

innodb_buffer_pool_size should be set to about 70% of available RAM.

More (based on CREATE TABLE )

The "covering" INDEX(status, recipient, sender) will be faster -- it won't have to bounce over to the data; the query can be done entirely in the index.

A PRIMARY KEY is a key, so INDEX(id) is redundant and can be DROPped .

A KEY that is a prefix of another key is redundant. I am referring to (status) in your current CREATE TABLE .

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