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How can I manually install the php slim?

Since I'm in China, it's hard for me to use composer to install the php slim. Thus, I'd like to install it manually. When I look up the guidance, it says that I should download the zip file of slim from Github and add the code:

require 'Slim/Slim.php';

However, There is no Slim.php in the zip file which is downloaded from: https://github.com/slimphp/Slim

Could anyone tell me which file I should require now?

Based on the current repo, it looks like the Slim.php code was moved over to App.php.

Try this instead:

require 'Slim/App.php';

Download the Slim framework from here the link below. They take care of the Composer bits for you. https://php-download.com/package/slim/slim

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