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Laravel 5 - Cache remember doesn't work

I have tried to cache some queries with Cache::remember(); but it doesn't work.

My script response code is 500(Internal Server Error).

Here is my code:

 $filters = \Cache::remember("cache_filter", 20, function(){
      $data['value1'] = MyClass::where('<condition>')->get();
      $data['value2'] = MyClass::where('<condition>')->get();
      $data['value3'] = MyClass::where('<condition>')->get();

      return $data;
 return view('custom.show')->with($filters);

Storage permissions => 777
Cache path => storage_path('framework/cache')

Does anyone have an idea?

  1. php artisan cache:clear
  2. if you have run php artisan config:cache before then you have to delete config.php file from bootstrap/cache/ , if not then just run first command (1.)
  3. Try to run your code for caching data.

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