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Twilio with c# asp.net webapi

I am implementing simple Twilio service for sending sms using c#.

I want to receive the status of the message sent to any number, so I created Asp.Net WebAPI HTTP post method (status call back) and exposed to Twilio like below. But every time I send message, this http post method is not receiving any and my Twilio trial account logging the below message

You are receiving this email because your Twilio account has encountered an error or warning and the On 1st error every day Alert Trigger has fired. The most recent alert was:

"11200 - HTTP retrieval failure"

The URL I used for the status call back is public domain and https.

Am I doing something wrong here ? Please help me.


var message = twilio.SendMessage(
          "Sample Twilio message",

Megan from Twilio here.

Can you check the full list of possible causes and solutions for your error here ?

You can also see a non-trivial example of using the StatusCallback in this tutorial found here using C# :


It can sometimes help to get these examples working and then make changes according to your application.

Hope this helps.

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