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Insert an XML parent node to an existing xml document

I have an XML document. I am trying to add a parent node to the xml document dynamically. How do i do.

Here is my xml

  <link text="/and" href="/and">
      <link text="Overview" href="/overview"  />
      <link text="Information" href="/fo"/>        

I am trying to add node to top of this so that one will be the new parent and one sibling at top

      <link text="NewParent" href="/">
         <link text="Sibling" href="/sibling"/>
         <link text="/and" href="/and">
             <link text="Overview" href="/overview"  />
             <link text="Information" href="/fo"/>

Just create a new parent XElement and set its child content:

var xmlDoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);

var parentElement = new XElement("link", xmlDoc.Root.Elements());
parentElement.SetAttributeValue("text", "NewParent");
parentElement.SetAttributeValue("href", "/");

Try this

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace ConsoleApplication82
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string xml =
                "<navdefinition>" +
                  "<link text=\"/and\" href=\"/and\">" +
                      "<link text=\"Overview\" href=\"/overview\"  />" +
                      "<link text=\"Information\" href=\"/fo\"/>" +
                  "</link>" +

            XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(xml);

            XElement navDefinition = doc.Element("navdefinition");
                new XElement("link", new object[] {
                    new XAttribute("text", "NewParent"),
                    new XAttribute("href", "/"),
                    new XElement("link", new object[] {
                        new XAttribute("text", "Sibling"),
                        new XAttribute("href", "/sibling"),



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