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how to filter data in array loop

In my array is like this,

var myColumnDefs = [

    {a: "hh", b: "hh", c: "jk", d: "ggh", e: "hvh"},

    {a: "dd", b: "gg", d: "nn", e: "rr", f: "jj"},.....

I want to filter data and insert data in new array like this

var newarray = {a,b,c,d,e,f}

& another array

var mysecondarray = [



You can use map() and indexOf() and do something like this

 var myColumnDefs = [ { a: "hh", b: "hh", c: "jk", d: "ggh", e: "hvh" }, { a: "dd", b: "gg", d: "nn", e: "rr", f: "jj" } ]; var arr1 = [], arr2 = []; // iterate over `myColumnDefs` array and generate value array arr2 = myColumnDefs.map(function(v, i) { // get keys from object var keys = Object.keys(v); // iterate over key values and generate the value array and then return return keys.map(function(k) { // check key value is in `arr1`, push if not if (arr1.indexOf(k) == -1) arr1.push(k); // return corresponding value based on key return v[k]; }); }); document.write('First Array : <pre>' + JSON.stringify(arr1, null, 3) + '</pre> Second Array : <pre>' + JSON.stringify(arr2, null, 3) + '</pre>'); 

Assuming you want the result in arrays, then this should work. The result is in an object for further processing.

 var myColumnDefs = [{ a: "hh", b: "hh", c: "jk", d: "ggh", e: "hvh" }, { a: "dd", b: "gg", d: "nn", e: "rr", f: "jj" }], result = function (array) { var r = { keys: [], data: [] }; array.forEach(function (a) { r.data.push(Object.keys(a).map(function (k) { !~r.keys.indexOf(k) && r.keys.push(k); return a[k]; })); }); return r; }(myColumnDefs); document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(result, 0, 4) + '</pre>'); 

Assuming that mysecondarray is having an array of array of values in the same order.


var columns = {}; //newarray 
var values = []; //mysecondarray 

   var arr = [];
   for (var key in value)
      columns[key] = true;

console.log("columns are " + JSON.stringify(Object(columns).keys, 0, 4));
console.log("values are " + JSON.stringify(values, 0, 4));

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