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Pipeline Communication between Child Process and Parent Process using pipe()

I am trying to set up a pipeline to communicate between a child process and a parent process using pipe(). I read some posts on stackoverflow some use the dup() and dup2() functions. Can someone explain what is the use of these functions in this scenario?

You could use dup2 to redirect the stdin and stdout of a child and parent process respectively to send messages through a pipe used with file descriptors created with the instruction pipe . To illustrate its functionality in a more concrete way, here is a detailed example on how to do so.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define READ 0
#define WRITE 1
int main (int argc, char * argv [ ] )
    int fd[2];
    pipe(fd); // creating an unnamed pipe
    if (fork() !=0)
        close(fd[READ]); // Parent close the reading descriptor
        dup2(fd[WRITE], 1); // copy fd[WRITE]] in the descriptor 1 (stdout)
        close (fd[WRITE]); // closing the writing descriptor, not needed anymore because of stdout
        if(execlp(argv[1], argv[1], NULL) ==-1) // execute the program writer passed as an argument to myprog
            perror("error in execlp");
    else // child process (reader)
        // closing unused writing descriptor
        // copy fd[READ] in descriptor 0 (stdin)
        close (fd[READ]); // closing reading descriptor, not needed anymore because of stdin
        // execute reading command
        if(execlp(argv[2], argv[2], NULL) == -1) // Execute the reader passed as an argument to myprog
    return 0 ;

With that, every messages sent by the parent process through the standard output will be redirected to the standard input of the child process . For example, when executing the command myprog who wc (with the code shown above), it behaves just like doing who | wc who | wc in the terminal. You can see my parent process who will send messages to wc through the standard output.

As it is for the difference between dup and dup2 . You can check out this link .

pipe() creates new file descriptors, it means you can write and read them like you do to a file, standard input, etc.

dup2 and dup is to rename a file descriptor, for example replacing standard output to a program

to communicate with child process and parent, you don't actually need dup or dup2

you could use the new file descriptors which pipe() gave you instead, and keep standard input/output openned

here is a simple communication parent to child process

int main()
  int fd[2];
  int pid;

  if (pipe(fd) == -1)
    return (1);

  pid = fork();

  if (pid == 0)
      /* child process
       reading parent process */
      char rdbuff[10];
      read(fd[0], rdbuff, 10);
      printf("got: %s\n", rdbuff);
  else if (pid > 0)
      /* parent
       sending string to child process */
      write(fd[1], "sup!", 5);
      /* error */
      return (1);

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