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Delay window.print() until page has loaded within an ajax request to avoid a blank print screen?

What I'm trying to do with this code is make an ajax request to something that generates barcodes and returns them to be printed. When I make the request it generates everything correctly but the print window is blank. If I cancel the print window, the underlying window has the correct barcodes to be printed. I'm suspecting that I need to delay the .print() until the child window has been fully loaded, but the solution is eluding me. Thanks in advance for any help!

var barcode = $.ajax({
     url: "barcode.php",
     method: "POST",
     data: {
            name : name,
            text : text,
            number : numLines
var printText;
barcode.done(function( jqXHR, textStatus ) {
    printText = jqXHR;
    var WindowObject = window.open();


This is all wrapped in a $( document ).ready(function(){});

After doing a great bit of research, I found two answers: one that is probably better convention-wise, and one that is easier to implement, but (sadly) also pretty hacky.

For the first solution, it's just simplifying the second solution. Just supply a url to window.open which results in a page that will have the content and a script that calls window.print when everything is loaded. This should be easy as you seem to be hosting the pages here, so you can just make "barcode.php" accept GET parameters and all you need to do is add the print functionality to the page.

// Assumes parameters provided are safe to use in a url.
window.open('barcode.php?name=' + name + '&text=' + text + '&number=' + number');

Then, in the content that's sent back from "barcode.php", add a script:

document.onload = function() {

This is far better than any other solution I can think of, especially because you should (I didn't test this, so I don't really know) be able to use the load event or onload .

I'm only providing the hacky solution for two reasons: I spent a little while on it and it may prove useful one day. I would like to stress, however, that this second solution is pretty silly. I would advise against using it in a production environment and

If you care to use it, here's how it goes:

  • Create a window with window.open
  • write (or writeln ) whatever content you want to the new window.
  • write a <script> containing some functionality to the new window:
    • Check if document.readyState is "complete"; if so, do your print procedure. Otherwise:
    • Use setTimeout to recheck document.readyState just like above. (Basically, repeat in some way.)
    • We do this because we can't use the load event or onload because neither fire.

Here's some example code to show that off:

var WindowObject = window.open();
WindowObject.document.write('<img src="http://i.imgur.com/Jvh1OQm.jpg" />'); // This is your content to be printed
WindowObject.document.write('<script>(' + (function() {
    function checkReadyState() {
        if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
        } else {
            setTimeout(checkReadyState, 200); // May need to change interval

}) + ')();</sc' + 'ript>');

Again, I'm going to stress this is a very bad way of doing what is wanted. I only provide this knowledge because I feel it could possibly be useful to someone.

You could try to use WindowObject.onload = function () { ... }; this way:

barcode.done(function( jqXHR, textStatus ) {
    printText = jqXHR;
    var WindowObject = window.open();
    WindowObject.onload = function () {

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