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define argument list for function in javascript

I'm sorry if this is a duplicate, but i really don't actually know how to even ask this question. I'm coming from a native language background where you have control of how parameters are pass (by value, reference or pointer), and even though i've been using javascript for many years, i still have a tough time with knowing when variables are being passed by reference or value sometimes.

I'm would like to allow a function to be overridden in a javascript class, but basically i'm having a problem passing the arguments as a reference to the function.

I'll have to provide an example because i don't know exactly how to explain this.

So i have a "class", i'll call it exampleClass:

exampleClass = function()
    var m_largearray = [];
    var m_width = 100;
    var m_funcParams = {data: m_largearray, width:m_width};
    var m_someFunction = function(_params){
        // do stuff
    var m_finalValues = [];
    return {
        doProcessing: function()
            // do some things
            m_finalValues = m_someFunction(m_funcParams);
            // do stuff with the m_finalValues
        setFunction: function(_func, _params)
            m_someFunction = _func;
            m_funcParams = _params;
        largearray: m_largearray,
        width: m_width

So this class has a function which gets called, doProcessing(). Inside this function, it calls another function that does part of the processing, but i would like to have control of this part of the processing outside the class when i do not want the default way to process the data.

So something like this:

var classinstance = exampleClass();
var somespecialarray = [];
var someint = 5;
var somewidth = 900;
    // do some processing with different set of params
    // even though somewidth was set to 400, i will still get _params.width = 900 here
    // return some array
{data:somespecialarray, anint:someint, width:somewidth});
somewidth = 400;

This is just a complete example of what i'm trying to do, i just wrote this code here off the top of my head so if theres errors thats why.

Anyway, the problem with this is that the parameter list i set (i've tried using an array instead of an object). When i set m_funcParams, it seems the data is copied rather than referenced. When i change these arguments, m_largearray for example, when the default function gets called, the parameter data is what it was when i originally set m_funcParams, and not what i have updated m_largearray to be, the same as when i override the function, if i change somewidth from 900 to 800, when i call the function, the width parameter i still 900.

I hope this makes sense, i just need some clarity on why the function is not getting the updated values, and if there is a better way of doing this.

So, why is the function not getting the changed values, and is there a better way of doing this?

EDIT: Here is a complete working example. I think i just realized when i set the variable to be something else, i'm basically losing a "pointer" to the value it was before. if i set an element in an array, it updates in the function, but if i set the whole array, it does not

var exampleClass = function()
    var m_largearray = [1,2,3];
    var m_width = 100;
    var m_funcParams = {data: m_largearray, width:m_width};
    var m_someFunction = function(_params){
        // do stuff
    var m_finalValues = [];
    return {
        doProcessing: function()
            // do some things
            m_finalValues = m_someFunction(m_funcParams);
            // do stuff with the m_finalValues
        setFunction: function(_func, _params)
            m_someFunction = _func;
            m_funcParams = _params;
        largearray: m_largearray,
        width: m_width

var classinstance = exampleClass();
classinstance.largearray[0] = 3;

classinstance.largearray = [7,8,9];

var somespecialarray = [4,5,6];
var someint = 5;
var somewidth = 900;
    // do some processing with different set of params
    // even though somewidth was set to 400, i will still get _params.width = 900 here
    // return some array
{data:somespecialarray, anint:someint, width:somewidth});
somewidth = 400;

I hope I understood correctly and that this helps.

First of all when you pass an object to a function it passes as a reference, so changing one of it's properties will change the referred object's property.

However, when you invoked classinstance.setFunction in your example, you passed an object with a property width which recieved the variable somewidth , which is not an object so it gets passed by value.

Finally, when you changed someWidth to 800 you only changed someWidth , because width was passed as a value.

Edit: In addition, when invoking classinstance.setFunction , you passed a function with param _param which is not part of that scope.

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