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smarty variable inside php

I need call smarty variable inside my php tag. I added function also .. this is my smarty variable

{get_video_meta video_id=$video_data.id key='test'}

//resut = google

My Function

function smarty_get_video_meta($params, &$smarty)
global $video; 
if (empty($params['uniq_id']) && empty($params['video_id']))
    return '';
$video_id = 0;
if ($video['source_id'] == 0)
    $sql = "SELECT item_id 
        FROM pm_embed_code, pm_meta
        WHERE pm_embed_code.uniq_id = '". $video['uniq_id'] ."'
        AND pm_embed_code.id = pm_meta.item_id";
        if ($result = mysql_query($sql))
            $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
            $video_id = $row['item_id'];
    $video_id = $params['video_id'];
if ( ! $video_id)
    return '';
$meta = get_meta($video_id, IS_VIDEO, $params['key']);
return $meta[$params['key']];

php code

    $url = $this->get_video_meta('test'); 
    echo $url; 

Here is an example:

{assign var="video_meta" value=$video_data}

$metas = $this->get_template_vars('video_meta');
echo $metas['id'];

get_template_vars assign


The actual problem was: calling a function written for smarty templating between {php}{/php} tags... Which doenst really makes sense to me but still...

smarty_get_video_meta( array( 'video_id' => $video_data.id, 'key' => 'Google' ), $this );

This is how you would call the function in template files in PHP.

In smarty:

{get_video_meta video_id=$video_data.id key='test'}

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