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Call PHP variable in Smarty

The Call of this PHP Code below in Smarty will not work

Sample Usage in PHP


$url=json_decode($content,TRUE);//Decodes json into an array

if(!$url["error"]){  // If there is no error
echo $url["short"]; //Outputs the short url
echo $url["msg"]; //Outputs the error message

For Smarty I just need to replace php with {php} and it should work.

{php}$shortenedurl = file_get_contents('http://www.gempixel.com/short/api/?api=fAaFjILdbigF&url=' . urlencode('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']  . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));{/php}

{php}$url=json_decode($content,TRUE);if(!$url["error"]){echo $url["short"];}else{echo $url["msg"];}{/php}

But it will not call the string. What am I doing wrong?

first you need to assign varible value to smarty

$smarty->assign( 'iframe', $iframe ); //$smarty is a global var to assign

then get it your .tpl file


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