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Force load R packages while running the job in cluster

When I run a job in HPC cluster in interactive mode, I can load the packages and if it fails (not sure why some packages fail to load at first instance) to load, I can load it by running the library (failed package) multiple times, but when I do qsub my_rscript_job.pbs , the packages fail to load.

my my_rscript_job.pbs script is:

#PBS -l walltime=100:00:00
#PBS -l ncpus=1,mem=100g

source ~/.bashrc

Rscript /dmf/mypath/map.r -t 100

The packages I need to load in the map.r script are


which I can load if I submit the job in interactive mode and submit the rscript directly to the terminal, but when I do qsub I get the following error:

Loading required package: methods
Warning messages:
1: package ‘biomaRt’ was built under R version 3.2.2 
2: In eval(quote({ : bytecode version mismatch; using eval
3: In .recacheSubclasses(def@className, def, doSubclasses, env) :
  undefined subclass "externalRefMethod" of class "expressionORfunction"; definition not updated
4: In .recacheSubclasses(def@className, def, doSubclasses, env) :
  undefined subclass "externalRefMethod" of class "functionORNULL"; definition not updated
Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : 
  unable to load shared object '/dmf/bin/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.2/dplyr/libs/dplyr.so':
  /dmf/bin/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.2/dplyr/libs/dplyr.so: undefined symbol: Rf_installChar
In addition: Warning message:
package ‘dplyr’ was built under R version 3.2.2 
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘dplyr’
Execution halted

Is there a way to force load the packages while running r as qsub?

It looks like the version of R on the submit node and the worker node are different. Run the command R --version and submit a pbs script that only runs R --version . Likely they will be different.

The rest of the answer is dependent on your HPC cluster setup. Maybe they use modules, in which case you will need to run a command similar to module load R/3.2 . Either way, it looks like you need to ask your HPC cluster admins for help.

Setting timer to reload each package until each package in the list is successfully loaded. There is a timer of 5 second to force load the package when running the qsub option.

 myPackages <- c("biomaRt", "dplyr", "stringi","GenomicFeatures","Rsamtools","foreach","doMC")
    tryCount <- 0    

    while( !all(myPackages %in% (.packages())) ){


      tryCount <- tryCount + 1

      if( !all(myPackages %in% (.packages()))  ){
        cat(paste0("Failure: ", tryCount, "\n"))
        cat("Failed to load: ")
        cat(myPackages[ !myPackages %in% (.packages()) ])
      } else {



I think I also have a similiar situation as the one you are talking @Derek.

I had R version 3.0.2 on my machine (Ubuntu 14.04) and worked nicely with the connection with Rapache. I updated the R software to version 3.3.0, and in the machine it runs nicely when i use packages with my functions. But on the Rapache it gives me this error.

    Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
    unable to load shared object '/usr/lib/R/library/grid/libs/grid.so':
    /usr/lib/R/library/grid/libs/grid.so: undefined symbol: Rf_installChar

I run R.version on Rapache and R, and it gave me different versions for both! Rapache is running in 3.0.2 and my R on the machine 3.3.0.

I am interessed and knowing more about where can i access this submit node and worker node you are talking.


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