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tcltk2 and external Shiny server

I'm creating a Shiny web application and I need to be able to produce some messageboxes and listboxes. I've used the solutions from tcltk2 and produced a listbox like in the example here: http://www.sciviews.org/recipes/tcltk/TclTk-listboxes/

This works fine whenever I deploy the app locally on my computer. However, when I try to run it on an external Ubuntu server (not Rstudios Server solution) I receive an error message that the app unexpectedly closed. The JavaScript console doesn't provide much info:

 Warning: Unhandled error in observer: [tcl] invalid command name "font".


 shiny-server.js:238 Tue Mar 22 2016 08:46:42 GMT+0100 (Rom, normaltid): 
 Connection closed. Info: {"type":"close","code":1000,"reason":"Normal 

I'm not sure what this means and I'm hoping for some guidance.

I think shinyBS can help you


#install.packages("shinyBS") if not instaled

It s simular with new tab but shows like pop-up and a bit easy to use.

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