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Polymer dom-repeat sub property changes child to host wiring

I have a host element binding array of object to child element which has a paper-input to edit its properties. I don't see the value change on input reflected in the host div element. Even though on debug I can see that the host object has the latest edited name . What should I do to get this automatically wired ?

    <!-- Host element -->
<dom-module id="host-item">
                <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[employees]]" as="employee">
                    <item-edit item="[[employee]]"></item-edit>
                is: 'host-item',
                properties: {                
                    selectedEmployee: {
                        type: Object 
                    employees: {
                      type: Array,
                      value = [ { name: 'Name 1'}, { name: 'Name 2'}, { name: 'Name 2'}]
                ready: function() {
                  this.selectedEmployee = this.employees[0];

<!-- Child element -->
<dom-module id="item-edit">
          <paper-input id="input" value="{{item.name}}" error-message="Invalid name!"></paper-input>            
                is: 'item-edit',
                properties: {                
                    item: {
                        type: Object

Use {{employee}} for 2 way binding . [[...]] is for one way only. Use notify: true on property definition.

Child element should be defined before the parent.

Here is the working example Plunk , and similar Plunk

<item-edit item="{{employee}}"></item-edit>
employee: {
                type: Object,
                notify: true,
                value: function () { return {name: 'Test' }; }


Now "employees" data is in form of an array of objects. Check out this question for working with arrays: Polymer, issue with binding array to paper slider value


Docs: Binding to array items

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