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Can Aurelia's “repeat.for” be used with “view-model.ref”

I have a repeat.for on a custom element in my view (giving me a list if UI elements):

<box repeat.for="box of boxes" box.bind="box"></box>

I would like my view-model to have a list of the of the custom element's view-models (So I can call validate methods on each of the items in my list.)

I tried this:

<div repeat.for="box of boxes">
    <box box.bind="box" view-model.ref="boxViewModels[${$index}]"></box>

But the boxViewModels property does not get anything added to the array. I even tried to see if it would bind at all inside of the repeat.for :

<div repeat.for="box of boxes">
    <box box.bind="box" view-model.ref="boxViewModelTesting"></box>

But after I created a few instances, boxViewModelTesting is undefined .

Makes me wonder if view-model.ref just will not work inside a repeat.for .

Is there any way to get the references of view-models of custom attributes created with a 'repeat.for'?

This is a scenario that's part of the test suite. Should look something like this:

export class Foo {
  boxElements = [];
  boxViewModels = [];
  boxViews = [];
  boxControllers = [];
  <div repeat.for="box of boxes">
    <box ref="boxElements[$index]"


You must update to the 3/1/2016 version of Aurelia to use this http://blog.durandal.io/2016/03/01/aurelia-early-march-2016-update/

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