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Printing after a break in a for loop

I'm trying to figure out how to print the final line of code for this - whether it's a prime number or not. I can't seem to get it to print with the code I have. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!

number = int(input("Enter a positive number to test: "))

while number <= 0:
    print ("Sorry, only positive numbers. Try again.")
    number = int(input("Enter a positive number to test: "))

test = 2

number1 = number - 1
for x in range (0, number1):
    trial = number % test
    if trial != 0:
        print (test, "is NOT a divisor of", number, "...")
        print (number, "is a prime number!")
        print (test, "is a divisor of", number, "...")
        print (number, "is not a prime number!")
    test = test + 1

The break statement ends the execution of the branch. The following print statement is never reached.

To get the correct functionaility use a boolean value and perform the check at the end:

is_prime = True

for x in range (2, number):
    trial = number % x
    if trial != 0:
        print (x, "is NOT a divisor of", number, "...")
        is_prime = False
        print (x, "is a divisor of", number, "...")

if is_prime:
    print (number, "is a prime number!")
    print (number, "is not a prime number!")

You also do not need to use a variable test . Use the x from your range directly.

Have a look at the Python reference for the keyword for more information.


if expression:




It executes all statements with break so print will be never happen...

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