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How to extract Setter value property from Style in Xaml?

I have a style has setter property named "Fill" and has DrawingBrush as its value. I want to extract DrawingBrush from it to use in the viewmodel. Here, is the style I have.

<Style x:Key="ICON_STYLE" TargetType="Rectangle">
    <Setter Property="Fill">
            <DrawingBrush Viewbox="0,0,39.125,39.125" ViewboxUnits="Absolute">
                    <GeometryDrawing Brush="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=uiEntityViews:ViewModel}, Path=MeSiteColor}" Geometry="F1M19.5625,0.999954C29.8144,0.999954 38.125,9.31053 38.125,19.5625 38.125,29.8142 29.8143,38.1249 19.5625,38.1249 9.31073,38.1249 1,29.8142 1,19.5625 1,9.31053 9.31064,0.999954 19.5625,0.999954z">
                            <Pen DashCap="Square" EndLineCap="Flat" LineJoin="Round" MiterLimit="10" StartLineCap="Flat" Thickness="2">
                                    <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.849422,0.849423" StartPoint="0.150577,0.150578">
                                        <GradientStop Color="#FF657783" Offset="0"/>
                                        <GradientStop Color="White" Offset="0.146"/>
                                        <GradientStop Color="#FF2C4758" Offset="1"/>

I want to extract DrawingBrush as follows -

if (resourceObject is Style)
    Style iconStyle = resourceObject as Style;
    var collections = iconStyle.Setters;
    // How to extract iconBrush from collections????
    DrawingBrush iconBrush = ???

The following might work:

DrawingBrush iconBrush = GrabFirstDrawingBrushInStyle(resourceObject as Style);

private DrawingBrush GrabFirstDrawingBrushInStyle(Style style)
    if (style != null)
        foreach (var setter in style.Setters.OfType<Setter>())
            if (setter.Value is DrawingBrush)
                return (DrawingBrush)setter.Value;
    return null;

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