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How to send a Parse objectId through an Android Intent?

I am working on an Android app with a Parse backend. The app allows a user to select a row from a list view (driven by parse data) and transition to a detail activity. I would like to pass the ParseObject's objectId from the selected listview cell to the detail activity by using an intent. I can easily pass most information, such as the name, but it doesn't seem to send the objectId, despite being shown as a String on the Parse Dashboard. How does everyone else handle this?

Sending Side:

Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), EventDetailActivity.class);
ParseObject singleEvent = groupArray.get(position);
String parseID = (String) singleEvent.get("objectId");
i.putExtra("name", parseID);

Receiving Side:

Intent i = getIntent();

I think it's not possible to send ParseObjectId using Intent . It's possible to pass the string ParseObjectId using Intent and then to next screen to again convert into a parse object as shown below.

    ParseObject object = new ParseObject("ClassName");

    String str_obj = object.getObjectId().toString();

    Intent i = new Intent();
    i.putExtra("objectId", str_obj);

    // in next screen
    String getObj;
    getObj = getIntent().getStringExtra("objectId");

    ParseObject oo = new ParseObject("ClassName");

Otherwise, it's stored as public and may be used in the whole application.

You can use .getObjectId() to get Id in Parse like this:

 ParseObject gameScore = new ParseObject("GameScore");
 String objectId = gameScore.getObjectId();

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