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Is an oozie workflow job id unique?

Is a workflow job id unique within a single oozie server/oozie DB instance? If we dropped and recreated an external oozie DB or restart oozie server, would new oozie wf ids be unique to previously generated?

We use oozie rest api from our app and register wf ids in our own db to track their status and communication between the app and running oozie wfs, I wonder can I rely on their uniqueness.

The oozie workflow ids are composed of <a 7-digit number>-<server start timestamp>-oozie-<4 character of user name>-<W\\C\\B> for example : 0000013-160129104602393-oozie-oozi-W .

I guess you can decide now, whether you should consider this as unique or not.

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