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Typescript file order issue when extending classes

I am defining models using TypeScript and I have encountered an issue when extending classes. I have two classes, each within a code file of the same name:

class kanine {
     name = 'dog'


class beagle extends kanine {
    constructor(name: string) {
        this.name = name;

Within the solution they appear as such:


When I run the application I get this error:


However, when I rename the code file which contains the kanine class from kanine.ts to 1kanine.ts, I do not get the error. Another workaround is by bundling them like this:


Instead of like this:

.IncludeDirectory("~/app", "*.js")

Is there a way to process the files in an explicit order without having to include them individually?

The reason why this is happening is because the base class kanine needs to be defined before the parser gets to beagle.

You can fix this one of two ways:

  1. Continue to explicitly define the order of each individual .js file as you are currently doing in your first example.

  2. Change your compilation settings, either with a tsconfig.json or through the project properties, so that the .ts files are combined into a single .js file, and rely on the typescript compiler to order them properly.

If you choose option 2, you'll need to use /// reference tags to help the compiler figure out which file should be output first. This is as simple as adding this to beagle.ts:

/// <reference path="kanine.ts" />

This will make sure that kanines javascript is output before beagles.

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