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ng-show if filtered array contains

I cant find a way to show an html-element only if an array contains a particular value among its objects. So if I have:

        id:1, name: 'frank', type: 'good'
        ,id:2, name: 'john', type: 'bad'
        ,id:3, name: 'mary', type: 'good'

I would like to show some kind of heading for the types. So if the types are:


with the array above, the heading for "great" should not be visible.

I have tried with both ngif and ngshow. Problem seems to be about syntax. The last one I tried is:


But I get an error in the console.

Is it possible to fix it directly in the html or should I rely on the controller for this kind of operation?

First, your example "array" is badly formed, I'm assuming you meant:

people = [
    { id:1, name: 'frank', type: 'good' },
    { id:2, name: 'john',  type: 'bad' },
    { id:3, name: 'mary',  type: 'good' }

Second, your questions is a bit confusing, but I'm assuming you want to show each person under a header corresponding to their type, and hide headers with no people. Try this:

<div ng-if="$filter('filter')(people,{type:'great'}).length > 0">
    <p ng-repeat="person in people | filter:{type:'great'}">{{person.name}}</p>
<div ng-if="$filter('filter')(people,{type:'good'}).length > 0">
    <p ng-repeat="person in people | filter:{type:'good'}">{{person.name}}</p>

You can improve this by creating a second array like:

types = [
    { id: 'great', header: 'Great' },
    { id: 'good',  header: 'Good' },
    { id: 'bad',   header: 'Bad' }

And then just nest your repeats:

<div ng-repeat="type in types" ng-if="$filter('filter')(people,{type:type.id}).length > 0">
    <p ng-repeat="person in people | filter:{type:type.id}">{{person.name}}</p>
  • Note that I haven't tested this code, only looked it over. It probably includes bugs, but the method should work.
  • You will need to add $filter as a dependency of your controller, and inject it

The TL/DR is: the $filter service allows you to use Angular filters in JS expressions. The 'filter' filter returns an array, so filter your people and check the length.

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