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Rename file while uploading on webapp in spring using MultiPartFile datatype

I have to upload an image from the user interface and change its name according to my need.

ie if user uploads an image with a name WIN_20151122_09_57_47_Pro.jpg I would have to change it to 1.jpg

I am using Spring mvc and for file upload and display I am using MultiPartFile datatype

Below is the model.


package com.faisal.model;

import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile ;

public class FileBucket {

      MultipartFile file ;

       public MultipartFile getFile() {
             return file ;

       public void setFile(MultipartFile file ) {
             this.file = file;

The controller part where I am uploading the file on the server

      ServletContext servletContext;

@RequestMapping(value = "/singleUpload" , method = RequestMethod.POST)
       public String singleFileUpload(@Valid FileBucket fileBucket,
                  BindingResult result, ModelMap model ) throws IOException {

            String PROFILE_UPLOAD_LOCATION = servletContext.getRealPath("/" )
                        + File. separator + "resources" + File.separator
                        + "profile_images" + File.separator;

             if (result .hasErrors()) {
                  System. out.println("validation errors" );
                   return "singleFileUploader" ;
            } else {
                  System. out.println("Fetching file" );
                  String destination=PROFILE_UPLOAD_LOCATION
                              + fileBucket.getFile().getOriginalFilename();

                  File file = new File(destination);
                  File newFile=new File(PROFILE_UPLOAD_LOCATION +"1.jpg" );

                  FileCopyUtils. copy(fileBucket.getFile().getBytes(), file);
                  FileUtils. moveFile(file, newFile);

                  MultipartFile multipartFile = fileBucket .getFile();
                  String fileName = multipartFile .getOriginalFilename();
                   model.addAttribute("fileName" , fileName );
                   return "success" ;

View page

       <div class="success" >

       <img src=" ${pageContext.request.contextPath}/resources/profile_images/${fileName} " height ="100" width="100" />
            File <strong> ${fileName}</strong > uploaded successfully.


In the code above I have successfully renamed the file but then while redirecting on the same page the image is not displayed since it has been replaced by 1.jpg

Try <spring:url> like this <img src='<spring:url value="/resources/profile-pictures/${user.profileImage}" />' > .

Here's how I implemented UserController and in jsp view <img src='<spring:url value="/resources/profile-pictures/${user.profileImage}" />' alt="User Image">

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