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Start generalized azure VM

I am working on an azure deployment. I am using some templates from github that creates a certain number of VM's based on a 'master image', puts them behind a load balancer, and allows access to them through RDP and ports.

Now, all this is working great. I build my image, then I run sysprep and generalize it, shut it down, and spin up 40 copies.

The issue I am running into is what do I do if I want to update the 'master image'?

It won't let me boot it up, because it says it is generalized. And I am having a hard time setting up a new vm and attaching the OS disk "not sure if this is the right way"

Does anyone have any suggestions? I am coming from a VMware VDI environment, where I would just boot up the master, make changes, shut down, and snapshot and redeploy.

Also I am using the new Azure interface, which I believe is called AzureRM.

Well, its not pretty, but it should work:

Spin up a fresh copy. make your changes, then preform the sysprep / oobe process again, finally, generalize & capture.

与版本控制一样,您必须从之前制作的映像创建一个新的 VM,然后在更改后再次重复该过程。

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