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WARNING: Ignored class “Label” re-declaration

In order to make all labels' text support markup I use the following kivy-language code at the top of my kivy file:

    markup: True

Later on when using:

        text: '[b]Dog[/b]' 

I get a label with the text 'Dog' being bold as expected. Therefor, all my labels have markup set to True as expected.

However, I'm getting the following warning:

[WARNING           ] [Factory     ] Ignored class "Label" re-declaration. Current -  module: kivy.uix.label, cls: None, baseclass: None, filename: None. Ignored -  module: None, cls: None, baseclass: Label, filename: /home/Projects/gui/maingui.kv.

Why do I get this warning? Should I be doing something in a different way?

Just use

    markup: True

With the @ notation you declare a new dynamic subclass Label derived from Label .

It is useful to create a dynamic class like <MyLabel@Label>: in kv lang, in particular if a reference to the class is not needed later in python, to prevent any clashes that could arise from redefining behaviour ( Label is used extensively in other default Widget s, and changing its properties in general might affect the look & feel of other widgets inadvertently).

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