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Geosearch Search API GAE filtering distance(geopoint(MY_GEOPOINT), store_location) < DISTANCE queries

I in doubt about how the Search API makes the queries, especially how it scans the Documents in the Index. My doubt is the following:

I have an Index with a lot of Documents with GeoPoints on it. I want to list the points that are in an specific radius. For example, if I have 20 millions Documents in the Index and do a search like this one:

String query = distance(geopoint(MY_GEOPOINT), store_location) < 10000

It will list the stores that are on the radius of 10 km.

My question is the following: How Search API are going to do it? will it scans the 20 millions of documents(and take a long time) or it will optimize in some way?

I questioning because of performance, I am developing an app that will use GeoSearch and I'm afraid it with get slowly as the database grows.

Thanks for any help. Kind Regards JLuiZ20

it will certainly not scan all records. you can infer this from the documentation in https://cloud.google.com/appengine/training/fts_adv/

Because geopoint is a supported data type and has the distance built-in function and supports geospatial queries, it can efficiently index geopoints in a way that it can query on a radius from a point. appengine docs don't mention the algorithm used, there are many such algorithms that it could be using but you bet its efficient, otherwise it wouldnt be a supported type.

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