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express post receive json isn`t I send

I use request to send a json data to my express server.

But express receive the data isn`t my json.

I will show my code about this question.

The json I send

            'commodityList': [
                    'commodityName': 'aaa',
                    'commodityId': '2',
                    'commodityPrice': 128,
                    'commodityNumber': 2
                    'commodityName': '',
                    'commodityId': '1',
                    'commodityPrice': 59,
                    'commodityNumber': 10
            'purchasePrice': 846,
            'userId': '1'

The json I receive

{ 'commodityList[0][commodityName]': 'aaa',
  'commodityList[0][commodityId]': '2',
  'commodityList[0][commodityPrice]': '128',
  'commodityList[0][commodityNumber]': '2',
  'commodityList[1][commodityName]': 'bbb',
  'commodityList[1][commodityId]': '1',
  'commodityList[1][commodityPrice]': '59',
  'commodityList[1][commodityNumber]': '10',
  purchasePrice: '846',
  userId: '1' }

The Code

The request

var request = require('request');

var options = {
    url: 'http://localhost:3000/commodityManage/purchaseAdd',
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Accept': 'application/json'
    form: {
        'commodityList': [
                'commodityName': 'aaa',
                'commodityId': '2',
                'commodityPrice': 128,
                'commodityNumber': 2
                'commodityName': 'bbb',
                'commodityId': '1',
                'commodityPrice': 59,
                'commodityNumber': 10
        'purchasePrice': 846,
        'userId': '1'



function callback(error, response, body) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
        var info = JSON.parse(body);
        console.log("info:", info);

request.post(options, callback);

The express

router.post('/purchaseAdd', function(req, res, next) {
    var uploadData = req.body;

I didn`t know how to post json what I want.

Help me,please. (´・_・`)

My express version is v4

My node version is v4.2.4


The json I send

A JavaScript Object initializer isn't JSON, despite the similarities in their syntax.

JSON is a text format for representing structured data. It however isn't code.

If you'd like to send a JavaScript Object written out as JSON, you can use request 's json option :

var options = {
    url: 'http://localhost:3000/commodityManage/purchaseAdd',
    headers: {
        // ...
    json: { // <----
        'commodityList': [
                'commodityName': 'aaa',
                'commodityId': '2',
                'commodityPrice': 128,
                'commodityNumber': 2
                'commodityName': 'bbb',
                'commodityId': '1',
                'commodityPrice': 59,
                'commodityNumber': 10
        'purchasePrice': 846,
        'userId': '1'

This will write out the data in the object as:


By using the form option instead, the object is serialized as URL-encoded , formatted for application/x-www-form-urlencoded :

// key1=value&key2=value&...    

The json your receiving is the json that is being sent. It's just being displayed in a different format.

To prove it try doing something like this:

router.post('/purchaseAdd', function(req, res, next) {

    //this will transform the object to a string so you can see all the keys/values
    var uploadData = JSON.stringify(req.body);


I set the bodyParser in app.js to true

like this

var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
app.use(bodyParser.json({limit: 'lmb'}));
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true}));

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