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Relay generated mutation query is missing some fields

I have set up a basic Relay mutation to add a user, but once executed it returns this error/warning:

Warning: writeRelayUpdatePayload(): Expected response payload to include the newly created edge 'changedUserEdge' and its 'node' field. Did you forget to update the 'RANGE_ADD' mutation config?

I noticed Relay leaves out the changedUserEdge node on the mutation payload and I have no idea why. I looked at a few Relay examples, but the mutation is constructed exactly the same way.

The mutation, the React component I call it from and the generated query can be found in this gist .

I used graffiti-mongoose to generate my GraphQL schema.

I'm not sure if I will be able to help, what you have in your gist seems fine to me so I think that your issue might be on the server.

The documentation doesn't say it explicitly, but when executing a "RANGE_ADD" kind of mutation Relay expects the edge with the node and the cursor.

The cursor is generated by calling Relay's cursorForObjectInConnection(ArrayOfUsers, User) , where User can be found inside the array by calling ArrayOfUsers.indexOf(User) .

So in our case when adding a user, we call the API to insert it into the database, then we get the list of all users and we execute this to find the right user for the function

// mutation > outputFields > changedUserEdge...

    let selectedUser = allUsers.find(u => u.uuid === newUser.uuid)[0];
    let cursor = cursorForObjectInConnection(allUsers, selectedUser);
        node: selectedUser,

Personally I found this to be the hardest one to implement, but once you got it it's really simple. Hope this helps!

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