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How to get simple graphql mutation query from generated schema?

I'm using the graphql code generator to get my generated file:

npx graphql-codegen --config libs/codegen.yml

In this file I do have

export const AddDataDocument = gql`
    mutation addData($input: AddDataInput!) {
    addData(input: $input) {

which gives me the gql document.

In my tests (using supertest ), I'm doing:

const query = `
    mutation addData($input: AddDataInput!) {
    addData(input: $input) {
    operationName: null,
    variables: { input: addDataInput }

I do not want to write the mutation manually. I would like to use my generated schema file. But unfortunatly there is a gql defined, like mentioned at the beginning of this post.

Is it possible to generate something to be used in my send() ?

    operationName: null,
    query: AddDataDocument, // <-- but this is not working as it is a gql document
    variables: { input: addDataInput }


overwrite: true
schema: "apps/backend/src/app/**/*.graphql"
    documents: "libs/**/*.graphql"
    - "typescript"
    - "typescript-operations"
    - "typescript-react-apollo"
    withHooks: true
    withComponent: false
    withHOC: false

If I understood you correctly, AddDataDocument is a DocumentNode object (the return value of the gql invocation) and you want to get back the query as a string from it. Is that it?

If so try this:

import { print } from 'graphql'


    operationName: null,
    query: print(AddDataDocument),
    variables: { input: addDataInput }

I've faced a similar problem a couple of days ago (the "how do I get the parsed document object back into a string" part of the question).

Here's where the idea came from:


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