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How to get reference to the repeat parent index in aurelia?

i want to know if it's possible to pass a repeat parent index to a converter in a repeat?
I tried this :

<div repeat.for="row of router.navigation | myFilter:1:$parent.$index">

but it's not working !
Any idees ? Any workaround ?

It's possible- the code you have above should work. Here's a running example: https://gist.run?id=5df404d80be769a0d62aab2f7c9f300e


  <require from="./test-converter"></require>

  <div repeat.for="y of 3">
    <span repeat.for="x of 3">${ x * y | test : $index : $parent.$index }</span>


export class App {
  message = 'Hello World!';


export class TestValueConverter {
  toView(value, x, y) {
    return `(${x},${y},${value})`;

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