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How to redirect stdin to file in bash

Consider this very simple bash script:

cat > /tmp/file

It redirects whatever you pipe into it to a file. eg

echo "hello" | script.sh

and "hello" will be in the file /tmp/file. This works... but it seems like there should be a native bash way of doing this without using "cat". But I can't figure it out.


  1. It must be in a script. I want the script to operate on the file contents afterwards.

  2. It must be in a file, the steps afterward in my case involve a tool that only reads from a file.

  3. I already have a pretty good way of doing this - its just that it seems like a hack. Is there a native way? Like "/tmp/file < 0 " or "0> /tmp/file". I thought bash would have a native syntax to do this...

You could simply do

cp /dev/stdin  myfile.txt

Terminate your input with Ctrl+D or Ctrl+Z and, viola! You have your file created with text from the stdin.

echo "$(</dev/stdin)" > /tmp/file

使用ENTER ctrl + d终止您的输入

I don't think there is a builtin that reads from stdin until EOF, but you can do this:

exec > /tmp/file
while IFS= read -r line; do
  printf '%s\n' "$line"

Another way of doing it using pure BASH:


IFS= read -t 0.01 -r -d '' indata

[[ -n $indata ]] && printf "%s" "$indata" >/tmp/file

IFS= and -d '' causes all of stdin data to be read into a variable indata .

Reason of using -t 0.01 : When this script is called with no input pipe then read will timeout after negligible 0.01 seconds delay. If there is any data available in input it will be read in indata variable and it will be redirected to >/tmp/file .

Another option: dd of=/tmp/myfile/txt

Note: This is not a built-in, however, it might help other people looking for a simple solution.

Why don't you just

    # do whatever you like to the input here

But sometimes, especially when you want to complete the input first, then operate on the modified output, you should still use temporary files:

    # modify input
) > "$TMPFILE"
     # do something with the input from TMPFILE
) < "$TMPFILE"

If you don't want the program to end after reaching EOF, this might be helpful.

exec < <(tail -F /tmp/a)
cat -

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