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How to access constants in models.py, from django template?

I have about 10 constants that I want to display on my website. These constants are specified in models.py.

How do I use these constants in my Django template?

I'm using class-based views.

class PanelView(RequireBuyerOrSellerMixin, TemplateView):
    template_name = "core/panel.html"

You should import them in view.py, then in your view function, pass them in the context to feed the template.




from app.models import CONSTANCT1, CONSTANCE2

def func(request):
    context['constant1'] = CONSTANT1
    context['constant2'] = CONSTANT2
    # return HttpResponse()


{{ constant1 }}
{{ constant2 }}


Class based views has no difference than function based views. According to django docs , override get_context_data to add extra stuff to context.

Usually you should go the way @Shang Wang suggested, but if you want to use the constants in many templates it might be worth to write a custom template tag

from django import template
from app import models

register = template.Library()

def get_constants(name):
    return getattr(models, name, None)

And in your template:

{% get_constants 'CONSTANT1' %}

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