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Shared Access Policy Creation in Azure IoT Hub using Rest API

I am new to azure iot. and i am trying to create shared access policies in azure iot hub using its rest api.


and my java code is

     String policyold = "{\"tags\" : {}, \"location\": \"East Asia\",\"properties\" : \"authorizationPolicies\" : [{\"name\" : \"policy-namw\", \"primaryKey\" : \"{mykey}\" ,\"secondaryKey\" : \"secondary-key\" ,\"permissions\" :[\"ServiceConnect\" ,\"RegistryRead\" ,\"RegistryWrite\" ,\"DeviceConnect\"]}],\"eventHubEndpoints\" : { \"events\" : {\"messageRetentionInDays\":\"2\"}}}";

    StringEntity input1 = new StringEntity(policyold);

    put.setHeader("Authorization", token);
    HttpResponse r2 = httpclient2.execute(put);
    String content2 = EntityUtils.toString(r2.getEntity());
    org.json.JSONObject recvObj2 = new org.json.JSONObject(content2);

but i am facing the followiing error.

 HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request  {"error":{"code":"InvalidRequestContent","message":"The request content was invalid and could not be deserialized: 'Error converting value \"authorizationPolicies\" to type 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken]'. Path 'properties', line 1, position 76.'."}}

Moreover i am using this tutorial. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt589015.aspx

Can any one help me in solving this?

According to the offical document Common error codes for Azure IoTHub, the error code 400 means "The body of the request is not valid; for example, it cannot be parsed, or the object cannot be validated.".

I checked the policyold string value in your code, then I found the json string missed the required elements Sku name & Units . Please carefully see the table of the elements below the end of the Json request content.

An Azure IoTHub can own multiple shared access policies.

So if creating shared access policy while creating new IoTHub, please use the REST API Create a new IoT Hub , else use the REST API Update metadata on an existing IoT Hub to add a new one for an existing IoTHub.

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