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Yii2: How to log controller and action id for each request?

I am trying to log every controller's actions by same code:

public function afterAction($action, $result)
    \Yii::$app->logger->write(0, $action->controller->id, $action->id);
    return parent::afterAction($action, $result);

But, I don't want redeclare this method on every controller, and I don't want to use some BaseController with same method. I know, base/Controller has AfterAction Event, but how to log controller actions, using his event handler ?

You can create a Class-Level Event Handler in the boostrap process like this (most likely in the web.php configuration file, which holds the configuration for the application object):

use yii\base\ActionEvent;
use yii\base\Controller;
use yii\base\Event;

$config = [
    'bootstrap'    => [
        function () {
            Event::on(Controller::class, Controller::EVENT_AFTER_ACTION, function (ActionEvent $event) {
                Yii::info('Called controller/action: ' . $event->action->id . '/' . $event->action->controller->id);

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