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How to draw my stored polygon from database onto the google map

For angular google maps I want it possible for me to draw my stored polygon array of markers onto the map.

The tech I'm using is: Angular version 1 with JavaScript, using an angular directive and templateUrl.

This is my html directive template:

<ui-gmap-google-map center="config.map.center" zoom="config.map.zoom" options="config.map.options" events="config.map.events" draggable="true">

        <ui-gmap-polygon path="compatiblePolygon" stroke="polygonConfig.stroke" fill="polygonConfig.fill" fit="true" static="true" visible="polygonConfig.visible" editable="polygonConfig.editable" draggable="polygonConfig.draggable" clickable="true" events="polygonConfig.events">

        <ui-gmap-markers models="compatiblePoints" coords="'self'" idKey="'id'"

        <ui-gmap-drawing-manager options="config.drawing.options" static="true" control="drawingManagerControl" events="config.drawing.events"></ui-gmap-drawing-manager>


You need to store your polygon as an encoded string in database, instead of polygon coordinates. you can obtain encoded polygon as follows:

/* This function save latitude and longitude to the polygons[] variable after we call it. */
    function encodePolygon(polygon)
        //This variable gets all bounds of polygon.
        var path = polygon.getPath();

        var encodeString = 

        /* store encodeString in database */

Then you can redraw your polygon from encode string any time using:

function DrawPolygon(encodedString){
    var decodedPolygon =   

            var polygon = new google.maps.Polygon({
                paths: decodedPolygon,
                editable: false,
                strokeColor: '#FFFF',
                strokeOpacity: 0.8,
                strokeWeight: 2,
                fillColor: '#FFFF',
                fillOpacity: 0.35

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