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How to use Stripe Apis on AWS Lambda in Python

I am going to build a backend using Stripe api on AWS Lambda. But I can't import stripe library.

import stripe

This line gives me this error.

  "errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'lambda_function'"

Anybody can help me?

The Stripe python libraries need to be installed to the same folder as the python script you are writing.

The pip command to do this is:

pip install --install-option="--prefix=/full/local/path/to/your/python/script" --upgrade stripe

This will actually install the libraries into the "lib" folder in the path you indicated. Copy everything from /full/local/path/to/your/python/script/lib/python2.7/site-packages to /full/local/path/to/your/python/script

Your directory will then look something like this:


Zip up those files and then upload that ZIP file to AWS Lambda.

I know this question is over a year old, but it's still unanswered, and is what still turned up when I searched for this same problem, so here is how I solved it.

要使用 --target 添加到 James Eberhardt 的答案中,会将文件直接放置到所需位置。

pip install --target="/full/local/path/to/your/python/script" --upgrade stripe

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