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Explicit function template specialization picks the wrong specialization

I have 2 functions inside a class, one is the default specilization of the operator+= which expects a function of some sort, whilst the second specilization expects an EventHandler, here is the implementation:

    template<typename _Func>
    timed_function<_Sig>& operator+=( _Func &&f )
        // Create an unamed handler
        auto handler = new EventHandler<_Sig>( "unamed", std::forward<_Func>( f ) );

        // Push it
        _fs.push_back( handler );

        // Return a reference to the function
        return handler->get( );

Here's the specialized version:

timed_function<_Sig>& operator+=<const EventHandler<_Sig>&>( const EventHandler<_Sig> &_Handler )
    // Copy the handler and push it
    _fs.push_back( new EventHandler<_Sig>( _Handler ) );

    // Return a reference to the function
    return _fs.back( )->get( );

Where _fs is just a vector of EventHandler<_Sig> Pointers. And _Sig being the function signature (eg void(int) )

When using the += operator on for example a lambda function it works just fine and the compiler picks the correct specialization:

window->OnKeyDown( ) += []( dx::Window *sender, dx::KeyDownArgs &args )

OnKeyDown( ) returns a reference to an instance of Event<void(dx::Window*, dx::KeyDownArgs&)>

However when I try and manually add an EventHandler like this it still picks the non-specialized version of the function.

window->OnKeyDown( ) += EventHandler<void(dx::Window*, dx::KeyDownArgs&)>( "Key Handler", 
                        []( dx::Window *sender, dx::KeyDownArgs &args ) 
                        } );


您提供的是EventHandler<_Sig>&&而不是const EventHandler<_Sig>& ,因此选择了非专用版本。

To properly specialize, just use

timed_function<_Sig>& operator+=<const EventHandler<_Sig>>...

That is, remove the reference from template specialization. Here is an example of how this sort of specialization should work - with cooked-up types, but should be useful:


(depending on your compiler, you might have to put a space between '>>' in specialization).

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