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Binding custom object list to datagrid

I have a class

public class ServerList
    public ServerList(string ipAdress, int port)
        IPAdress = ipAdress;
        Port = port;

    public string IPAdress { get; private set; }
    public int Port { get; private set; }

In a second class called AddServerWindow I have a list with ServerList objects

public ObservableCollection<ServerList> ServerLists = new ObservableCollection<ServerList>(); 

How can I bind it to datagrid placed on mainwindow. I'm trying smth like this: In MainWindow.cs

DataContext = new
            dump = this,
            server = new AddServerWindow(),

In MainWindow.xaml

<DataGridTextColumn Header="Server" IsReadOnly="True" Width="*" Binding="{Binding server.IPAdress}"></DataGridTextColumn>
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Port" IsReadOnly="True" Width="0.6*" Binding="{Binding server.Port}"></DataGridTextColumn>

After changed to code below, DataGrid is still empty but it now have 10 columns

ItemsSource="{Binding Source=ServerLists}"

You need to bind the ItemsSource of the DataGrid. Once you do that, the DataContext for each row is a ServerList, so you can bind the columns directly to IPAdress and Port. Try something like this:

<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding server.ServerLists}" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
       <DataGridTextColumn Header="Server" IsReadOnly="True" Width="*" Binding="{Binding IPAdress}"/>
       <DataGridTextColumn Header="Port" IsReadOnly="True" Width="0.6*" Binding="{Binding Port}"/>

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