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How to switch locale in Spring REST docs?

I have a @RestController where one of the arguments of a controller method is Locale

public Survey getSurvey( @PathVariable("id") SurveyId surveyId, 
                         Locale locale ) { ... }

I have a working integration test (using RestAssured) where I can switch locale by setting the Accept-Language header.

I now want to document this using Spring REST docs as well. Setting the header in this case (using MockMvc) does not work.

My test something like this:

public void SurveyControllerDocumentation {

    // Test methods here

    // Application context for documentation test
    public static class TestConfiguration {
        public SurveyController controller(MessageSource messageSource) {
            return new SurveyController(userService(), messageSource, surveyService());

        public UserService userService() {
            return mock(UserService.class);

        public SurveyService surveyService() {
            return mock(SurveyService.class);

        public CustomEditorsControllerAdvice customEditorsControllerAdvice() {
            return new CustomEditorsControllerAdvice();

        public RestResponseEntityExceptionHandler exceptionHandler() {
            return new RestResponseEntityExceptionHandler();

Is there some bean that I need to explicitly add to my test context that does the locale injection?

I am using Spring Boot 1.3.3 (which has Spring 4.2.5)

You can set the Locale using the locale(Locale) method on the request builder:


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