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Port 8005 Required by Tomcat, already in use

I am attempting to refresh my knowledge of Java. I've downloaded and started using Eclipse Mars. I was following a tutorial that uses Tomcat. I tried to create and start a server. I received the following message in the image: Port 8005 is in use .

I checked and surely it is but I don't know what is using it or how to either stop that process or make Tomcat use another port. Thank you in advance for the help.

Tomcat uses -


Those three ports.

Open up command prompt -

 C:\.....>netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:8080
 TCP              LISTENING       1220
 C:\....\username>taskkill /F /PID 1220

It will kill that task.Try it.


ps -aef | grep java | grep apache | awk '8005'

list of process running with this port will display with its process id.

pick the process id say 1090.

kill -9 1090


This will kill all the process with tomcat kill $(ps -aef | grep java | grep apache | awk '{print $2}')

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